There are certain features that Sown to Grow offers that make it a prime way to have students set and monitor goals.
- Creating a Learning Cycle- This is your first step. You set a time limit for when learning objectives should be met. Also, you assign activities that either get a numerical score or a completion score.
- Students can check-in- When students log in they see the learning objectives and are asked how they feel about the upcoming learning cycle.
- Goal Setting- Students set their own goals. They decide if they want to get close to the mastery goal, meet it, or exceed it.
- Tracking Progress- Once students set their goals, then they work on the tasks. As they complete a task they record their scores and reflect on how they did.
- Final Reflection- Students reflect on how they did and what their goals might be next time. It shows them what they mastered and how many goals they met. Then they click the appropriate smiley face to indicate how they feel about their progress.
- The teacher can, also, track the entire classes progress by looking at the Student Performance Data and Student Performance Summary.
I really like how it encourages them to reflect on their progress and use that to set goals for the next learning cycle. I don't think this is something that you could just put your kids on and let them figure out by themselves though. Younger students, especially, will need to be shown how to complete each step and have guidance when logging on the first few times. I may give this a try next year. If you want to watch an information video, click below:
I did not know this program existed. I think this is a great way for students to track their own progress, but also for teachers to progress track online rather than on paper. Is it a free program or do teachers have to pay to use it? I find it interesting and helpful for students that they have various charts to show their growth as well.
I have never heard of this before so it is very interesting to learn about. This sounds amazing and like something I definitely need to look into. It is definitely difficult to track students efficiently.